Information Equals Reality

This post is an excerpt from Rob Bryanton’s book, We Start With a Point (but what’s the point?) (Amazon), in which he gave me a chapter which we excerpted from the 100+ page “manifesto” I wrote while coming off of Clozaril (the strongest schizophrenia medication) over the course of a couple weeks. I don’t like …

A Note On Dialectics, Dimensions, and Demons

Dialectics and Dimensions In The PSI-PHI Matrix (PPM), I wrote: Panpsychism [as] used here agrees with DIAMAT that matter thinks, but extends the dialectical nature of all matter to include the property of consciousness. This isn’t quite traditional Idealism in the sense that “all experiences are solely produced by the mind, and that matter doesn’t …

The PSI-PHI Matrix (PPM)

Introduction In Chaos Magic, beliefs are not seen as ends in themselves, but as tools for creating desired effects. … The purpose of Chaos rituals is to create beliefs by acting as though such beliefs were true. In Chaos Rituals you fake it till you make it, to obtain the power that a belief can …