A Note On Dialectics, Dimensions, and Demons

“Like Poseidon, he was also worshipped by the Romans as a god of horses … Neptune is one of only four Roman gods to whom it was considered appropriate to sacrifice a bull.” (Wikipedia)

Dialectics and Dimensions

In The Dialectical Panpsychic Matrix (DPM), I wrote:

Panpsychism [as] used here agrees with DIAMAT that matter thinks, but extends the dialectical nature of all matter to include the property of consciousness.

This isn’t quite traditional Idealism in the sense that “all experiences are solely produced by the mind, and that matter doesn’t exist independently of the mind.” As we are thinking here (though maybe not as proposed by Goff and others), it is Idealist in the sense that reality and matter are the computational and cognitive information processing of some cosmic Mind.

The self-cognition of God, or the Void, or what have you. The Primordial Cosmic Demon Buddha.

DIAMAT might also help illuminate this subject with its stance that things, such as mind and matter, ideal and material, objective and subjective, and quantitative and qualitative, are and are not themselves, can be their opposites, or, become their opposites, and so share an identity or “interpenetrate” each other

We need to clarify. First of all, my grasp of Dialectics and philosophy in general is not very advanced, at all. In many respects, I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about I’m just trying to make something cool. With this project, considering the scope of ideas and how slowly I can read and assimilate the necessary knowledge and theory, I am trying to get started with partial knowledge to get the ball rolling, and establish a barebones framework that can be revised and modified down the orad.

For 10THDIM-DIAMAT-CMT, we basically are saying, on the syncretic level of arbitrary belief for the purpose of constructing an invented religion, that we accept or believe in dialectical materialism, and that we don’t actually fully understand all the ins and outs of that beyond a very beginner’s level. Furthermore, we are welding together three main “chunks” of arbitrary belief paradigms for the 10THDIM-DIAMAT-CMT paradigm:

10THDIM: Transcendental (secondary: Materialistic)
DIAMAT: Materialistic (secondary: Transcendental)
CMT: Magical (secondary: Materialistic)

Without going over the whole post (The Dialectical Panpsychic Matrix (DPM)), 10THDIM, being Transcendental, is actually Metaphysical in the sense that all matter and events in the Omniverse are hyper-dimensional and eternal, and that what we experience is the selection of paths connecting moments together into a continuous stream from one “Planck-frame” (smallest unit of spacetime defined by the speed of light in our universe — different from universe to universe) to the next.

Some hyper-dimensional beings might experience higher order dimensions as partial dimensions the way we experience Dimensions 4 through 5 (time and “probability space”) as a single direction (or partial dimension). Some hyper- or hypo-dimensional beings may experience timelessness/eternity, selflessness, infinite space, and voidness the way some advanced human meditators do during concentrative trances.

Point is, DIAMAT is the opposite of metaphysical, it is Dialectical — all is a dynamic system of contradictions in constant flux.

CMT is where we might look for our Panpsychism (as in Peter J. Carroll’s The Apophenion), which welds Materialism and Idealism (in a certain sense). But Magic is definitely Idealist. DIAMAT is Materialist, its “opposite”.

So, our compromise is this. Fundamentally, Metaphysics/Dialectics and Idealism/Materialism may be reconciled if we can find a way that they can be made consistent. Panpsychism does much of the work for the Idealism/Materialism aspect. As for Metaphysics/Dialectics, we can say that Dialectics governs the ranges of the Panpsychic 10THDIM Psi (or whichever ranges are consciously experienced as changing) that are tangible and accessible to the realm of sense perception and experience, that is, Dimensions 1 through 5 (time and choice being experienced as the partial or directional passage of change along a branching timeline), while Metaphysics (for us) applies to Dimensions 6 through 10.

In reality, as we have seen above, all Dimensions are simultaneously eternal, and time, movement, and change is an illusion (even if it is as real as it gets for beings such as we in the lower Dimensions). And hyper- and hypo-dimensional beings might experience something like time, movement, and change for different ranges of Dimensions along the 10THDIM spectrum.

So, as the whole 10THDIM hierarchy is suffused with, saturated with Psi, temporal and timeless, so too is the whole 10THDIM hierarchy intrinsically Metaphysical (an eternal unchanging structure) and Dialectical (animated by energy, movement, change, and time — or the experience (“illusion” like a film or video game) thereof).

So yes everything is 10-Dimensional matter, but 10D matter is thought, namely Thought of Void-Chaos (Psi). And yes, everything we experience is Dialectical, but Dialectics is fundamentally, structurally, based off of a system where the cognitive-computational processing of change is the experience itself of the Cosmos, perceiving the “illusion” of movement from one set of coordinates to another in an eternal and unchanging 10D coordinate matter system.

As for the issue of if there are greater or fewer than 10 Dimensions, there are a few reasons the 10THDIM model is used in OpenCult and the Mythic Meta-Gamification (MMG) project.

First of all, I like it and I have a personal connection to it. Before developing more of the MMG, OpenCult and related concepts, the mashup of 10THDIM-DIAMAT-CMT came to me in the psych unit. As I briefly mentioned in my Email to Peter J. Carroll, my first mixed mystical peak experience and manic-psychosis during my senior year of high school heavily involved my first encounter with the 10THDIM project. I remember telling classmates I was “debugging the Imagining the Tenth Dimension system,” i.e. working with it magically.

Second, as I’ve said several times in these recent posts, syncretism but more importantly “arbitrary belief” are an important aspect of OpenCult/MMG. At the Kernel (10THDIM-DIAMAT-CMT) level, we’re setting up the “game engine,” “rules,” or “world” of MMG. MMG is an arbitrary belief system, an invented religion, where we intentionally attempt to systematically gamify life itself, incorporating elements and influences from formal and informal games and play. Part of this gameplay is explicitly the selection and construction of arbitrary belief systems themselves, including specifically doing so to gamify our experience of the world: gamification as a “move” within gamification itself (which along with the principle that we are gamifying all of life and consciousness, yields the “Meta-Gamification” in MMG). That said, 10THDIM succinctly and compactly provides a cosmological perspective of reality as a system where we have a universe (among many, each with their own laws), branching probabilistic timelines within which our choices help select from the eternal hypertime data available to us in each moment, and the three dimensional embodied environment we are embedded within.

Third, there may very well be very small and very large hyper-dimensions greater than 10, or manifolds, membranes, spatial curvature, and so on. The important part for us is conceiving of and “Imagining” our gameworld and how it relates to us players in the middle of it, how chance and our choices influence “gameplay”, and perhaps the possibility of beings or sentiences aware of and operating at different dimensional ranges than we have embodied or conscious access to.


Which brings us to Demons. Little tricksters, big bad guys, wise and evil, privy to the deepest secrets of the psyche and of the Cosmos. Lately I have been conceptualizing them as virus-like: a non-sentient byproduct of consciousness, which feeds off of, infects, and seeks to exploit and dominate consciousness, with an infinite and voracious hunger for more Gnosis, Phi, and Psi to feed off of. Note that, relevant to this metaphor, biological viruses aren’t alive, strictly speaking, and they were not the precursors to life, rather, they are a byproduct of life and life-processes.

Yet, in the Panpsychic paradigm, all systems exhibit a nonzero Phi, which, being based off of the structure and interaction of the dialectical parts within and environmental dynamics surrounding them (contradictions: causes and conditions), are variable and subject to and liable to constant fluctuation and change. Demons are not “non-beings”. Nor are they truly non-sentient. They may have a low level of Phi proportional to their intelligence, like a very advanced “AI” or “LLM” (say, if ChatGPT could be improved geometrically for one or more decades), and they may just be “eating your mind,” (Kno – Shadowy Sphenoid (SpotifyYouTube)), but there still remains the soteriological possibility of Universal Reconciliation based on the fact that, as per DIAMAT, given sufficient materialist knowledge and power, we can command the forces of nature to serve our collective mission to, say, save all beings.

The fear and terror of lightning and thunder becomes the comfort of the glowing computer monitor.

In the public imagination demons are dangerous and deceptive. Occultists often ignore this, believing they can capture and control them. Believing that through ritual they can trap demons, they themselves become trapped.

The ritual circle represents cyclical existence (Saṃsāra) — especially driven by the links of dependent origination (Nidāna) based off of delusion, craving, and aversion (Kleshas). It takes some kind of strong desire or curiosity to fuck with demons, to try to get something out of them or from them. It’s delusional. False beliefs characterize every step of the process.

All of reality is cyclical, sentient, and symbolic. We are all trapped here. All beings, all phenomena, are the emanations of the one highest primordial cosmic demon buddha — the Ten Dimensional demiurge. This entity, through observation/censorship, creates the illusion of reality as made up of parts and entities which are distinct and distinguishable from (n)one. We don’t fundamentally exist in the ways we usually assume that we do, yet we thirst for more of this illusory existence. In this sense we are hungry, voracious demons ourselves. All beings in the Ten Dimensions are. Some are just more arcane than others.

Demons instill and reinforce destructive and self destructive habits, or cyclical behaviors.

The glyphs and symbols around and within the ritual circle represent the symbolic language of the subconscious and beliefs which the sorcerer enters into in order to contact and commerce with the demon. Again, they don’t trap the demon — they create a doorway and a place to stay for the demon(s) within the mind of the sorcerer themself. Thus accommodated, they go on to make themselves at home and pull more and more strings, entrapping the sorcerer in ever smaller, ever greater, ever shallower, ever deeper cycles of delusion, defilement, and dependence. The sorcerer after all started out by seeking to slake their hedonic hunger and psychologically gratify themselves — or in some cases to accomplish some more or less meaningful or significant goal.

The candles adorning the ritual space represent the fire of life and consciousness, finite and with a beginning and end, bent to the will of the evocation procedure. It’s never just one candle implicated, is it.

The sacrifice involves a dual-defilement. In order to further trap the sorcerer, they must at least become invested in the demonic pact through commitment of time, energy, and resources. Symbolic sacrifices may serve this purpose, but more insidious are the defilement initiations involving the sacrifice of animals or humans, and/or ritual abuse and torture. The sorcerer, regardless of their risk of punishment, becomes a shell of a person, associating their deepest desires and cravings with the kidnapping, trafficking, torture, and murder of innocent human beings, often children.

Sat before their fulfilled wishes, they slaver at a gourmet feast that will never fill them, and the demon has them. If all beings are to some extent demonic, then this goes for spirits and gods, too, and for any view or belief arbitrarily or pragmatically entered into contingent on the circumstances of life experience.

Published by Tuck Detchon

schizo-affective revolutionary slacktivist

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